WX Clothing Drive

November 05, 2019
9:00 am - 11:00 am

Drechsler & Drechsler LLP
60 East 42nd Street, Suite 1320

New York, NY
Special Events | Scholars, Members & Invited Guests

WX is pleased to participate in a clothing drive in support of Bottomless Closet and The Bowery Mission. We are encouraging all our members to join us in donating new or gently used men’s and women’s professional clothing and accessories. Bottomless Closet’s mission is to be the connection that inspires and guides disadvantaged New York City women to enter the workforce and achieve success. The drive will also benefit The Bowery mission, which serves homeless and hungry New Yorkers. Their services include vocational training and assistance in finding jobs.

Members, Scholars and Guests can also drop-off their items at the WX November Breakfast on Monday, November 4th at The Harvard Club.

• Suits & Ties
• Jackets & Blazers
• Dresses & Skirts
• Slacks
• Blouses & Shirts
• Shoes
• Unopened Toiletries
• Unused Cosmetics
• Jewelry
• Belts
• Purses

West Side Movers has once again donated its moving services to deliver our donations to Bottomless Closet and the Bowery Mission and we thank them for their continued generosity and support. To make a donation this pre-holiday season, please drop-off your items at the WX November 4th Breakfast or at the offices of Bea Drechsler on Tuesday, November 5th.